It's just too good not to share... And it's wayyyy too good to wait to share!
Hi, by the way! I know I have a lot to share and update about but this just can't wait!
Today I discovered the secret to removing the sticky goop that labels leave behind! First I have to say I find this incredibly useful, since I've started up-cycling all my glass jars :) Freezer jam, Herb planters, snack storage, oh my, the list is endless... And I pin and try everything I've ever seen about removing the stick without much success. I've tried uber hot water. I've tried boiling. I've tried magic erasers. I've tried baby oil. Rubbing alcohol. Cleaning wipes. Every dishwasher cycle.... But nothing, nothing, nothing works! Nothing! Then I stumbled onto this post about making foaming baby wash from an empty Bath & Body Works soap dispenser. Lucky me, I saw this in time and managed to save my bottle before I threw it out. I thought this was a brilliant idea since I never get enough soap to begin with, then I always close the bottle (why, I don't know) then while trying to hold a slippery Joel with one hand I struggle to re-open the bottle and get more soap.GAH! A pump would make life EASY! Well... it'd make bath time a bit easier. And it's a money saver. The cost of soap isn't a killer, but hey, I like my money and I love finding ways to save it! So, sold! on the foaming bath wash!
I cleaned the bottle, poured in my inch of baby wash, filled it with water, put on the top, swished around and took off the soap label. I did this for a few reasons: 1. my husband can't find things staring him in the face, and come bath time, he's 2. not going to remember me showing him my latest pinterest gem and he's 3. not going to be able to find the soap and 4. gonna holler for me to come upstairs to find it in front of his face. I know I am not fighting this battle alone. Much to my dismay the labels left behind that goop residue. I had been thinking about trying finger nail polish remover so figured this was the time to experiment. It was ok, I had to use my finger nail to loosen it up and scrub hard, another bust. But then the baby oil was sitting right there, so I dabbed a little on a cotton pad and wiped down the sticky, then wiped again with the finger nail polish. Wouldn't you know, it worked! Minimal scrubbing, just a few wipes and all the sticky was GONE! And then heaven opened up and the angels started singing and... ok, but seriously it worked!
I figured, I should test this on glass, since I'm claiming it's magic. And it worked! AGAIN! Yesssss!!!! I did have to rub a bit longer, and switch back and forth 3 times between the oil and the polish remover but my jar is clean :) and I didn't have to scrub! On to clean some jars :)
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